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Lower shipping pollution linked to rising ocean temperatures: study

What’s happening? Regulations on shipping fuel introduced in 2020 may have increased ocean warming by decreasing cloud cover, according to ...

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Claire Pickard
June 26, 2024

Sand Dredging

Vast sand dredging industry ‘sterilising’ the ocean floor

What’s happening? An estimated 6 billion tonnes of sand are being dug up from the ocean every year, posing a threat ...

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Nicola Watts
October 5, 2023

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Iceberg in water

As the ice melts in the Arctic, concerns grow over its exploitation

What’s happening? As the Arctic's drifting sea ice steadily diminishes, the area becomes more vulnerable to fishing, shipping, mining, and pollution. ...

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Dillon Creedon
September 8, 2023

Fukushima Water Release

Anxiety grows among Japan’s neighbours ahead of Fukushima water dump

What’s happening? A fish caught near the Fukushima nuclear plant in May contained 180 times Japan's legal limit of radioactive ...

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Sam Robinson
August 2, 2023

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Many climate tipping points are closer than we thought

What’s happening? There is a significant likelihood that multiple climate tipping points could be passed if global temperatures rise 1.5C ...

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Anja Pries
September 23, 2022

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The impact of pharmaceutical drugs on marine life

What’s happening? The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has launched a data visualisation tool to help researchers assess the impact of medicines on ...

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Fred Fullerton
June 17, 2022

A photo of Fred Fullerton

A sixth planetary boundary has been crossed due to human activity

What’s happening? A reassessment of the planetary boundary for freshwater, which was updated to include rainfall, soil moisture and evaporation ...

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Katie Chan
May 6, 2022

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Environmental groups have figured out how to protect fish. By buying a fishing licence

What’s happening? The last commercial fishing licence of its type in the northern Great Barrier Reef has been purchased by ...

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Katie Chan
April 8, 2022

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